Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00

This time I will share about  How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00. I was try this resetter and runs perfectly. 100% working. This resetter no passwords ... and FREE

How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00

Download Canon iP2770 

 download Resetter V.3400

Do not forget to turn off the download manager, so the iP2770 Resetter successfully downloaded.

Go to the iP2770 Service Mode :

  1. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tombol POWER. Jangan cabut kabel power.
  2. Tekan dan Tahan tombol STOP/RESET lalu tekan Tombol POWER. Jadi kedua tombol posisi tertekan.
  3. Lepas tombol STOP/RESET tapi jangan lepas tombol POWERD
  4. Dalam keadaan tombol POWER masih tertekan, tekan tombol STOP/RESET sebanyak 6 kali.
  5. Komputer anda akan mendeteksi hardware baru. Abaikan saja. 

Langkah selanjutnya Exctract dan Jalankan Service Tool v3400 yang sudah didownload tadi. 
Pada menu absorber clear ink counter pilih Main kemudian klik SET di sebelah kanannya. 
Pada menu ink absorber counter pilih Main kemudian klik SET di sebelah kanannya. 
Kemudian klik EEOPROM. maka printer akan cetak 1 halaman. 
Printer Canon akan normal kembali.


  1. Artikel yang menarik, bermanfaat sekali. terimakasih

  2. error 5B00 canon 2770 pake software yg baru SERVICE TOOL V3400, yg lama dah ga bsa, software ini sya pake utk canon mx426 bsa jga

  3. my printer wont turn on.. i pressed the resume 4x.. any help

  4. m2f butuh sedotan

  5. I did the same procedure as above-instructed yet I cannot access the service mode. The orange light goes steady instead of green. How can I possibly solve this problem? Hope you could help me on this… Thank you so much!

  6. i have problem in ip2770, 5 orange blinking, please help..
    I can't go to service mode.

  7. ternyata bisa reset printer sendiri
    thanks sob ilmunya...

  8. nanya bos,ip2770 lampu berkedip bergantian 7 kali knapa tu?makasih bos
